What is available to street homeless

In addition to the evening provision made available by ourselves there are other groups providing assistance to rough sleepers and / or people in need.

What’s on where is listed in these A6 printable leaflets – updated March 2023


One amazing provision that has existed for years is the drop-in centre on Berkeley Avenue

The Churches in Reading Drop in Centre has been providing food, clothing, hospitality, internet access, friendship, advice, etc. for many many years

Staffed almost entirely by volunteers, CiRDiC does a fantastic job and “Faith” have partnered with them for many years as a complementary service

CGL drug advisory and support is available to anyone needing support in recovery or drug replacement support

“We want to do more than just hand out food and drink, we want to support people at what can be a very difficult time in their lives.”

a safe and welcoming drop in centre 
for homeless people who are disadvantaged and living in the local community